Scotland's top 10 Scots poems for Burns Night

Each year in Scotland, children across the country eagerly practice reciting Scots poems as part of their homework in the hope of being crowned their school’s "Burns Champion" ahead of Burns Night – the annual birthday celebration of Scotland’s National Bard, Robert Burns.

To celebrate all things Scots language, we surveyed 1,000 Scottish adults to see exactly what their favourite Scots poems are. We’ve also teamed up with Game of Thrones actor and Scottish acting legend, James Cosmo, who has recited Scotland’s favourite Scots poem for us, To a Mouse by Robert Burns.

Interestingly, our survey found that out of Scotland’s top 10 favourite poems, seven are by Robert Burns! Check out the top 10 below. 

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Scotland's favourite poems with James Cosmo

4-minütiges Video

The top ten

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