Eine Golferin auf dem Old Course, St Andrews
© VisitScotland / Luigi Di Pasquale
Golf & die besten Golfplätze in Schottland
Mit einer sechs Jahrhunderte zurückreichenden Geschichte gibt es wohl keinen besseren Ort für eine Runde Golf als das Land, dem die Welt diese Sportart verdankt. Bei einer Golfreise in Schottland können Sie aus über 550 Golfplätzen wählen, darunter Links-, Parkland- und 9-Loch-Plätze. Ein Golfurlaub in Schottland ist außerdem die perfekte Gelegenheit, um einige der prestigeträchtigsten Golfturniere der Welt zu erleben.
Golfturniere & Veranstaltungen in 2025
Finden Sie alle Golfturniere und -veranstaltungen, die 2025 in Schottland stattfinden.
Die Genesis Scottish Open (9.-13. Juli 2025)
Die Genesis Scottish Open, eines von fünf Turnieren in der Rolex Series, finden erneut auf dem malerischen Renaissance Club in East Lothian statt.

Die Women’s Scottish Open (24.-27. Juli 2025)
Erleben Sie die besten Golferinnen der Welt in Schottland auf den Dundonald Links an der schottischen Westküste.

Die PGA Seniors Championship (31. Juli - 3. August 2025)
Erleben Sie Ü50-Golfgrößen bei der Legends Tour hautnah, in diesem Jahr erneut auf den Trump International Golf Links in Aberdeen.

Die Alfred Dunhill Links Championship (2.-5. Oktober 2025)
Golfstars und Prominente spielen in diesem Teamwettbewerb auf den Carnoustie Golf Links, den Kingsbarns Golf Links und dem Old Course in St Andrews.
Planen Sie eine Golfreise nach St Andrews
Die Swilcan Bridge auf dem Old Course, St Andrews
Golf in St Andrews
Für leidenschaftliche Golfer ist es eines der besten Erlebnisse, am Geburtsort des Sports zu spielen. Sie können aus 10 Golfplätzen in der Stadt wählen und nur für den legendären Old Course ist ein Handicap von maximal 36 vorgeschrieben. Bevor Sie sich an den Old Course heranwagen, lohnt sich das Aufwärmen auf einem der anderen Links-Plätze in St Andrews, die alle ihre eigenen Herausforderungen für Golfer bieten.
Golf in Schottland
Entdecken Sie die besten Golfplätze in Schottland nach Region.

Die Scottish Borders
Entdecken Sie Golfplätze in den Scottish Borders.

Die Highlands
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Ayrshire & Arran
Entdecken Sie die zahlreichen großartigen Golfplätze in Ayrshire & Arran.

East Lothian
Finden Sie Golfplätze in East Lothian.

Dumfries & Galloway
Entdecken Sie Golfplätze in Dumfries & Galloway.

Dundee & Angus
Finden Sie Golfplätze in Dundee & Angus.

Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire
Finden Sie Golfplätze in Aberdeenshire.

Entdecken Sie Golfplätze in Perthshire.

Orkney & Shetland
Finden Sie Golfplätze auf unseren nördlichen Inseln.
Finden Sie einen Golfplatz in Schottland

Pitlochry Golf Driving Range & Academy
Pitlochry, Perthshire
Pitlochry Driving Range has possibly the most spectacular backdrop of any range in the country. With 6 indoor and 5 outdoor bay,short game area, target greens and practice bunkers we pride ourselves on having the best range in the Highland.
Details ansehen : Pitlochry Golf Driving Range & Academy
Murrayshall and Lynedoch Golf Courses
Perth, Perthshire
The Murrayshall Estate is home to both the Murrayshall and Lynedoch Golf Courses. Two prestigious but very different courses just 3 miles from Perth, they provide a hugely enjoyable challenge for guests and visiting golfers.
Details ansehen : Murrayshall and Lynedoch Golf Courses
Banchory Lodge
Banchory, Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire
Banchory Lodge is the perfect location on the banks of the River Dee. You can fish in front of the hotel. There is a wealth of activities in the area including, shooting, golfing, walking and cycling.
Details ansehen : Banchory Lodge
The Performance Centre at Carnoustie Golf Links
Carnoustie, Dundee & Angus
Indoor golf practice facility for warm up, practice and fun!
Details ansehen : The Performance Centre at Carnoustie Golf Links
Fairways Indoor Golf Arena
Coatbridge, Greater Glasgow & das Clyde Valley
Scotland's No1 Indoor Golf Arena is fully indoor with long game, short game, bunker and putting areas, with simulators and PGA Professionals and Mindset lessons.
Details ansehen : Fairways Indoor Golf Arena
Traigh Golf Course
Arisaig, Die Highlands
9 holes, 4810 yards (18), SSS 65, par 68 Traigh Golf Course is set in one of the most beautiful parts of the West Highlands of Scotland, just north of Arisaig, Inverness-shire.
Details ansehen : Traigh Golf CoursePortobello Golf Course
Edinburgh, Edinburgh & Die Lothians
Portobello Golf Course: 9 Holes, 2449 yards, Par 32 With Arthur's Seat as an attractive backdrop this nine hole parkland course is a beautifully prepared and forgiving course.
Details ansehen : Portobello Golf Course%20%20Linksland.com%202_1928288409.jpg)
Girvan Golf Course
Girvan, Ayrshire & Arran
Girvan Golf Course Medal Tees Men 5064 yards SSS 64, Ladies 4738 yards SSS68 Neighbour to Turnberry, this course was designed by James Braid and has had few alterations since its inception in 1902.
Details ansehen : Girvan Golf Course
Turriff Golf Club
Turriff, Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire
Over a hundred years old, this parkland course has tight fairways lined with mature trees, with the added interest of water, undulating greens and well-placed bunkers, offering a challenge to golfers of all abilities.
Details ansehen : Turriff Golf Club_1523002516.jpg)
Gullane Golf Club - No. 1 Course
Gullane, Edinburgh & Die Lothians
Welcome to Gullane Golf Club - Course No. 1, host of the 2015 Scottish Open, won by Rickie Fowler.
Details ansehen : Gullane Golf Club - No. 1 CourseDouglas Park Golf Course
Bearsden, Greater Glasgow & das Clyde Valley
The Course is ideal for any outing. Whilst challenging, it is a very good course for golfers of differing abilities and after the round we have excellent catering facilities to "round off" the day.
Details ansehen : Douglas Park Golf Course%20%20Linksland.com%201_628777437.jpg)
Brighouse Bay Golf Club And Driving Range
Kirkcudbright, Dumfries & Galloway
A perfect holiday golfing experience, perched above the beautiful Solway coastline with stunning sea views, adjacent to one of the areas’ most popular holiday parks.
Details ansehen : Brighouse Bay Golf Club And Driving RangeKirkintilloch Golf Course
Kirkintilloch, Greater Glasgow & das Clyde Valley
The opening couple of holes are a good test with tree-lined fairways and plenty of bunkers to keep you busy.
Details ansehen : Kirkintilloch Golf CourseClober Golf Course
Milngavie, Greater Glasgow & das Clyde Valley
Undoubtedly one of the most popular courses in the Milngavie area is Clober. This is a real golfer's club, with a genuine golfer's clubhouse atmosphere.
Details ansehen : Clober Golf Course%20_1947143940.jpg)
Thornton Golf Club
Kirkcaldy, Das Kingdom of Fife
A scenic, easily walked parkland course, bounded by the River Ore, as fine a finishing five holes as you'll find Renowned for the condition of the greens.
Details ansehen : Thornton Golf Club
Cally Palace Golf Course (Guelder Three Ltd)
Gatehouse-of-Fleet, Dumfries & Galloway
The Cally Palace is a 18 hole parkland golf course, which is one of the finest golf courses in the area, open yearly from February to November, booking is advisable but not essential.
Details ansehen : Cally Palace Golf Course (Guelder Three Ltd)
Prestonfield Golf Club
Edinburgh - Stadtzentrum, Edinburgh & Die Lothians
Prestonfield Golf Club is an 18 hole course with stunning views of Edinburgh's iconic sites; Arthur's Seat, the Crags and Duddingston Loch. Bar and restaurant open from 10:00 am for breakfast and lunch.
Details ansehen : Prestonfield Golf Club_515741400.jpg)
Moray Golf Club - New Course
Lossiemouth, Die Highlands
The ancient realm of Moray offers a wide choice of golf and its premier venue is undoubtedly the two Moray courses.
Details ansehen : Moray Golf Club - New Course_1941182645.jpg)
Moray Golf Club - Old Course
Lossiemouth, Die Highlands
Moray has been a popular attraction for many tourists who make the trip every year and the region's biggest pull is the two Moray golf courses, Moray Old and Moray New.
Details ansehen : Moray Golf Club - Old Course_1228989996.jpg)
Strathmore Golf Club - Leitfie Links
Blairgowrie, Perthshire
Overlooking the beautiful valley of Strathmore near Blairgowrie, Strathmore Golf Centre has a wide range of facilities for visiting golfers including a floodlit driving range, a par-29 9-hole course.
Details ansehen : Strathmore Golf Club - Leitfie Links
Stromness Golf Club
Stromness, Orkney
This is one of the best courses on offer on Scotland's islands. It is a seaside parkland course that is moderately tight in parts, so anything less than a decent shot may find trouble.
Details ansehen : Stromness Golf Club
Whalsay Golf Club
Whalsay, Shetland
Whalsay Golf Club has the honour of being the most northerly golf course in the British Isles.
Details ansehen : Whalsay Golf Club
Wigtownshire County Golf Club
Newton Stewart, Dumfries & Galloway
A true links course on the shores of scenic Luce Bay, Wigtownshire County, also known as Glenluce, is a relatively level, easily walked course that extends an exceptionally warm welcome to visitors.
Details ansehen : Wigtownshire County Golf ClubOrkney Golf Club
Kirkwall, Orkney
Orkney Golf Club has an 18 hole course, situated on the side of Wideford Hill, on the outskirts of Kirkwall, adjacent to the main road to Stromness.
Details ansehen : Orkney Golf Club1 von 24

Der Glen Golf Club in North Berwick
Golftouren & Unterkünfte
Wenn Sie einige der besten Golfplätze in Schottland erleben möchten, können Sie einen Golfurlaub in Schottland buchen, der all Ihre Wünsche erfüllt. Turnierplätze wie Royal Troon, der PGA® Centenary Course in Gleneagles und selbst der berühmte Old Course in St Andrews sind buchbar, wenn Sie gut vorausplanen.

Ein Mann benutzt sein Smartphone
© Digital Tourism Scotland / Matt Davis
Golfen in Schottland leicht gemacht
Nutzen Sie die App Scottish Golf für Ihren Golfurlaub:
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- GPS-Caddie für Distanzmessungen auf 36.000 Golfplätzen
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