St Kilda World Heritage Site

St Kilda is a place of rare beauty and drama. This remote archipelago is part of the Outer Hebrides, sitting to the north-west of North Uist. St Kilda is composed of five unique islands, Hirta, Dùn, Soay, Boreray and Levenish, alongside a number of towering sea stacks and islets. Here you can immerse yourself in untouched landscapes, with thrilling boat trips and an array of birdlife to spot too. Although St Kilda is now inhabited, people once lived and thrived here, just as they did on the main Outer Hebridean islands.

An aerial view of the archipelago of St Kilda

Discover Why St Kilda is So Special

How to Get Here

“The cultural landscape of St Kilda shows a long occupation of the islands and a skill and resilience to live there.” - Susan, St Kilda

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