Newton Stewart Cinema will be hosting the premiere of a new documentary on The Wicker Man entitled “Return to Summerisle”. Come to the after-Premiere party and mingle with the stars of the original Wicker Man 1973 along with the filmmakers of the documentary and maybe bag an autograph!
Return to Summerisle follows the exploits of a mad Irish man and first-time filmmaker, Fergal O’Riordan, as he tries to capture the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Wicker Man.
Struggling with a stubborn, headstrong film crew (his two nieces), he takes on the impossible odds of trying to create a film with no experience, no budget and unproven talent.
As the project spirals from “something to do during Covid” to an all- consuming obsession that threatens to engulf his family, finances and sanity, he encounters a coven of witches on a remote Scottish island, suffers the “Curse of the Wicker Man”, meets a human bone dealer, uncovers some of the film locations never seen before, burns a wicker man on the same spot 50 years later and along the way he is forced to learn about the true nature of sacrifice.
Lesley Mackie - Gary Carpenter - Matt Deighton will preview original music from their upcoming album inspired by the Wicker Man.
Amy Rafferty (The baby from the church scene) will perform new music and poetry.
Jennifer Dolan “Myrtle” - Girl in the sweet shop - in one of her only public appearances will be part of the panel.
Panel discussion by the cast and crew.
Filmmakers of the documentary “Return to Summerisle” in attendance.
On the following day, May 4th 2025 at 7:15pm, come along to the burning of a Wicker Man on Burrowhead (site of burning from original movie)!