Guadalupe Nettel is the author of the international award winning novels _El huesped_ [The Guest], _The Body Where I Was Born_, _After the Winter_ (Herralde Novel Prize) and _Still Born_. She has been shortlisted for the International Booker prize.
Her work has been translated into more than fifteen languages and has appeared in publications such as Granta, _The White Review_, _El Pais_, the _New York Times_, _La Repubblica_ and _La Stampa_. She currently lives in Mexico City where she's the director of the magazine _Revista de la Universidad de Mexico._
We are delighted to welcome Guadalupe for her new short story collection _The Accidentals_, a series of deft and disquieting tales that oscillate between the real and the fantastical.
_When an albatross strays too far from its home, or loses its bearings, it becomes an 'accidental', an unmoored wanderer._
_The protagonists of these eight stories each find the ordinary courses of their lives disrupted by an unexpected event and are pushed into unfamiliar terrain: a girl encounters her uncle in hospital, who was cast out of the family for reasons unknown; a menacing force hovers over a fracturing family on a rural holiday; a couple and their children inhabit a stifling world where it is better to be asleep than awake; a man's desire for a solution to his marital dissatisfaction has unforeseen consequences._
'Nettel is one of the leading lights in contemporary Latin American literature....
I envy how naturally she makes use of language; her resistance to ornamentation and artifice; and the almost stoic fortitude with which she dispenses her profound and penetrating knowledge of human nature.' ~ Valeria Luiselli, author of _Lost Children Archive_