Corbetts, Glens and Grahams to climb in Scotland

Scotland provides the perfect outdoor playground for hillwalkers. If you fancy a challenge, why not climb a Scottish mountain while you're here? We want to shine a light on some of our Corbetts, Glens and Grahams that are worth the climb. Plus, it's a great way to soak up Scotland's natural landscape and scenery.

Les « trois sœurs » de Glencoe, Highlands

A guide to Scotland's mountains

How to climb hills responsibly

Corbetts in Scotland

You can find Corbetts across Scotland, all surrounded by stunning scenery and boasting magnificent views from the summit. Some are even nestled away in the landscape, making for an even more tranquil outing in Scotland.

Glens to discover in Scotland

Wander in wild, remote glens where the only living thing you'll see will be the elusive local wildlife. Or, take a breather in a secret valley just a stone's throw away from the city.

Stunning Grahams to climb in Scotland

Grahams are mountains which scale between 2000 and 2500 ft high, just slightly shorter than Corbetts (over 2500 ft) and Munros (over 3000 ft). They might be on the shorter scale, but Grahams boast equally impressive views and a great sense of achievement when climbing to the top.

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