Waternish Farm
Small, friendly group walks across a working Skye farm dedicated to preserving rich wildflower grasslands and providing vital habitat for corncrakes. Informative, illustrated talk, coffee and cake provided in the Farmhouse after each walk.
Food & Drink offer
Lucy Montgomery looks forward to welcoming you into her home for a glass of Sparkling Wine or Sparkling Elderflower and a traditional Afternoon Tea with glorious views overlooking the sea and the Outer Hebrides.
Arrive at the farmhouse at 4.00 pm for tea followed by an illustrated talk on farming and corncrakes.
During the Winter months, Afternoon Tea and the Talk will take place in the sitting room round a roaring fire.
Pre-booking is essential.
Minimum number of guests 2 and maximum 4
Two people willing to share the table with other guests is £15.00 per head.
Exclusive tea for two is £20.00 per head.
A table of three or four is £15.00 per head.
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