Recherche de disponibilité pour Craigellachie National Nature Reserve

Craigellachie National Nature Reserve

Nature Centres & Reserves

Craigellachie National Nature Reserve encompasses a fantastic mixture of birch woodland, open glades and tree-fringed lochs, rising to a craggy summit with superb views out across the Cairngorms National Park. Take your pick of one of the four trail routes, one of which is all abilities, and enjoy the unexpected peace and solitude to be found here just minutes from the main road in Aviemore.


Itinéraires en voiture

The Entrance to Craigellachie Nature Reserve is located at Hostelling Scotland's Aviemore Youth Hostel Car Park towards the southern end of Aviemore.

Itinéraires en transports publics

By Public Transport: The nearest bus stop is on the High Street at Aviemore Railway Station (0.5 miles). The Heather Hopper provides connections throughout the Cairngorms National Park. Trains stop at Aviemore Railway Station (0.5 miles) which is on the Perth - Inverness line.

By Bike: The Kincraig to Inverness Section of NCN Route 7 (Glasgow - Inverness) passes near the Reserve. Leave the route at Aviemore and follow signs from Aviemore Youth Hostel to the Reserve entrance, passing under the A9.


Parking handicapés ou drop-off
Accès au sol

Prix et plans

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