Verfügbarkeitssuche für Traquair House
Traquair House
Visit the oldest inhabited house in Scotland and discover its fascinating history. This is a magical day out for all the family.
Once a pleasure ground for Scottish kings in times of peace, then a refuge for Catholic priests in times of terror, the Stuarts of Traquair supported Mary Queen of Scots and the Jacobite cause without counting the cost.
Imprisoned, fined and isolated for their beliefs, their home, untouched by time, reflects the tranquility of their family life.
Traquair was the most prominent Jacobite house in Southern Scotland. The Stuarts of Traquair maintained their loyalty to the cause from the earliest day to after the ’45.
The Earl gave his support and as he left the house closed the gates vowing that they wouldn’t be opened again until a Stuart was back on the throne. The family still awaits…
Spanning nearly a thousand years of Scottish history, Traquair today is a unique attraction for all ages. Trace the footsteps of the kings of Scotland as you climb the turnpike staircase and discover how priests escaped in times of danger. See the wonderful collections of embroideries, letters and relics of former times.
Outside you can wander in the extensive grounds and woodlands, entertain children in the maze and adventure playground or simply relax for lunch or tea in the 1745 Cottage Restaurant.
When Mary Queen of Scots visited Traquair in 1566 a brewery was working, and in 1739 a 200 gallon copper was installed in one of the wings beneath the chapel. Having fallen into disuse for over 200 years, the brewery was rediscovered by Peter Maxwell Stuart, 20th Laird of Traquair who began brewing again in 1965.
Traquair House Brewery now produces a selection of traditional Scottish ales. Strong, dark and deliciously rich, the ales are fermented in oak and have won awards all over the world.
Getting there by railway:- disembark at the Galashiels transport Interchange and take a 62 bus to Innerleithen that depart every 20 minutes. It is then a short 15 minute walk to the house or take a local taxi.
Getting there by aeroplane:- From Edinburgh take the M8 heading for Edinburgh City Centre, cut off before the centre and join the city bypass, stay on the bypass until you reach the signpost for Penicuik, A703 stay on the A703 to Peebles then take the B7062 to Innerliethen.
Transport and Parking
Coach Parking
Pets Welcome
Accessible Parking Or Drop-off Point
Partial wheelchair access
Level access to dining room, cafe or restaurant
Accessible toilets
Partially suitable for visitors with limited mobility
Suitable for visitors with limited mobility
Level access to main entrance
Dietary Options
Dairy Free
Gluten Free
Vegan Meals Available
Vegetarian Meals available
Outdoor Play Area
Baby Changing Facilities
Gift Shop
Public Toilet Facilities
Lunch Available
Picnic Area
Cafe or Restaurant
Payment Methods
Debit Card
Credit Card
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