Verfügbarkeitssuche für Restoration Yard Store, Restaurant & Wellbeing Programme
Restoration Yard Store, Restaurant & Wellbeing Programme
A countryside haven just waiting to be discovered. Set within a beautifully restored stableyard and Tuscan-inspired courtyard, Restoration Yard Store, Restaurant and Wellbeing Studio is the perfect place to relax, restore and make memories.
In our restaurant, The Kitchen, you’ll find delicious seasonal menus using Scottish produce wherever possible for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. We even have our own herb garden for that extra special touch. Or, for a more informal light bite, head to our Coffee Bar for the best coffee and cake around. Both offer stunning views across the park to our historic Orangerie and landscape. In season The Larder also opens for pick-up food and drink and allows dogs inside.
Restoration Yard’s Store is less a shop and more a chic emporium filled with fashion, homewares, a tempting foodhall, kids section, books, stationery and more. It’s perfect for browsing and buying a treat or two for yourself or your loved ones. The foodhall stocks many local Scottish suppliers – you’ll also find the latest fashion for men and women in our clothing department.
What’s more, it’s all set within a glorious 1,000 acre country park with waymarked walking and cycling routes and stunning architecture to admire. We’re also home to Fort Douglas adventure park and host numerous events throughout the year. Check out our website or facebook page for the latest events.
Transport and Parking
Coach Parking
Accessible Parking Or Drop-off Point
Lift or stairlift
Level access to dining room, cafe or restaurant
Level Access
Wheelchair access throughout
Level access to bar
Level access from entrance to reception
Accessible toilets
Level access to all public areas
Suitable for visitors with limited mobility
Level access to main entrance
Dietary Options
Dairy Free
Gluten Free
Vegan Meals Available
Children's Menu Available
Outdoor Play Area
Gift Shop
Public Toilet Facilities
Lunch Available
Breakfast Available
Licensed Bar
Catering Available
Picnic Area
Patio or Beer Garden
Cafe or Restaurant
Payment Methods
Debit Card
Credit Card
Cuisine Types

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