Come along to Kinloss on 24th May and watch showing classes for horses, cattle and sheep then see the horses in action – in ridden, driven and jumping classes.
The Fife Show has again been invited to hold qualifiers for the Barber Family British Ridden Heavy Horse of the Year Championship and the Gogar Services Driven Heavy Horse of the Year Championship. With only four of each of these qualifiers taking place in Scotland annually, we are delighted to be holding these prestigious classes for the Horse of the Year Show finals in October.
Royal Highland Show qualifiers will again be held in the Showjumping Ring, with these classes held over both Saturday and on the Sunday (which is Showjumping only!)
The Dog & Pet Shows, and the Scurry, can be entered on Show Day so why not bring along your two or four-legged friend and take part.
Fife Show is a great day out for all the family but is still, first and foremost, a traditional agricultural Show with RHASS Long Service Medals for workers in the agricultural & rural sector with over 30yrs employment presented in the Main Ring.
Full details of what’s on and when can be found on the website.
Buy your tickets in advance (£15) and save 25% on the Show Day cost. Admission for those aged Under 16yrs is free when with an adult. Free Parking. Tickets available at the Gate on Show Day - £20.
The Association is delighted to have many local groups and organisations involved with this year’s Show again. Without their help and the support of our many sponsors, especially Headline Sponsor Persimmon Homes and Diamond & Ruby Sponsors ABP Perth; Diageo; DP & L Travel; Kettle Produce Ltd; NFU Mutual Cupar; Fife Properties Estate & Letting Agents; Galbraith; Rollos and The Scottish Deer Centre, the Show could not go on!