A warm welcome awaits you from your hosts, Robert & Jana, at our beautiful and historical home. Built in 1864 by the 8th Duke of Argyll for Duncan McLullich, his Procurator Fiscal, later occupied by the Duke's niece, Lady Elspeth Campbell, before being requisitioned by the Admiralty during the war years when the Loch Fyne shores were used for naval training. Our peaceful home is a short walk to the town centre and boasts 6 en-suite rooms, 3 of which are suites. All with great views of Loch Fyne apart from our single room that has a garden view.
Aray - Deluxe Twin Suite (2 double beds) | £105 Per room per night (breakfast inc.) |
Cairngorm - Deluxe King size suite | £109 Per room per night (breakfast inc.) |
Glendaruel - Deluxe Single Room | £62 Per room per night (breakfast inc.) |
Kinglas - King size bedroom | £89 Per room per night (breakfast inc.) |
Shira - King size bedroom | £95 Per room per night (breakfast inc.) |
Strathmore - King size bedroom | £99 Per room per night (breakfast inc.) |
Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.
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