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4 Visitor Attraction

Stirling Distillery

Gin Distilleries

Opened in 2019, we are Stirling's first legal distillery and the home of Stirling Gin. Stirling Distillery Gin Experience You will be welcomed to our distillery with a bespoke cocktail, lovingly crafted and beautifully served. Our tour guide will take you through the history of our brand and how we came to own Stirling’s first legal distillery, followed by some of Stirling City’s most fascinating stories. Your tour will conclude with being shown how to make the perfect Stirling G&T. You will also be given samples of our Red Cap, Green Lady and Tropical Triumph liqueurs as well as a dram of our 55% Battle Strength Gin, Stirling Pink Gin and latest edition Gin Blue Line that supports the charity PTSD999.


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