Beschikbaarheid zoeken voor Hermaness National Nature Reserve

Hermaness National Nature Reserve

Nature Centres & Reserves

A feast for the senses, the sounds and sights of Hermaness are full of drama. The white tops of the waves complement the white staining on the cliffs where sea birds nest every year. Gannets glide past, searching the waves relentlessly, and then diving into the water at breakneck speeds. Puffins waddle from their clifftop burrows in early summer and, away from the bustle of the cliffs, great skuas and red throated divers nest in the open moorland. Hermaness National Nature Reserve is managed by NatureScot.



Eight miles from Baltasound, the B9086 leads to car park.

Aanwijzingen voor openbaar vervoer

By Public Transport: Daily bus service runs between Lerwick and Haroldswick, 3 miles from the reserve but does not allow sufficient time to fully explore the Reserve and get back in a day.

By Bike: National Cycle Network Route 1 (Aberdeen - Shetland) terminates at Firth on the Shetland Mainland. To continue to the Reserve by bike, carry on to Toft for the ferry to Yell (20 minute sea crossing). Continue on the A968 to board the Gutcher - Belmont ferry to Unst (10 minute sea crossing). Head 10 miles north through Baltasound, turning off just before Haroldswick onto the B9086 road signposted to Burrafirth and Hermaness. At the fork in the road go straight on to the reserve.

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