Beschikbaarheid zoeken voor Glamis Castle

5 Visitor Attraction
iKnow Scotland
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Glamis Castle

by Forfar

Glamis Castle is a living, breathing monument to Scottish heritage, hospitality and enjoyment for all.


Invaliden- parkeerplaats
Huisdier- vriendelijk

Bekroningen en programma's


Accommodation Special Offer

Welcome to Glamis House, luxury self-catering accommodation in Glamis. Set in the beautiful Angus countryside Glamis House offers a unique experience perfect for a family getaway.

After undergoing a prestigious renovation Glamis House is available as a luxurious self-catering rental accommodation in Glamis, perfect for a corporate event or wedding. Glamis House is also the perfect retreat for a family gathering or special occasion. The House has 1 master apartment, 4 en suite bedrooms and 1 single bedroom and sleeps up to 12 adult guests. There are also extensive gardens and access to a full range of sporting pursuits on the estate and, further a field.

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