Beschikbaarheid zoeken voor Ice House Cottage, Lochinch Castle

Ice House Cottage, Lochinch Castle

Self Catering
Dumfries & Galloway
Vanaf £325 per unit per week

Ice House Cottage is the cottage for the historic Ice House, located within the magnificent grounds of Lochinch Castle, which include Castle Kennedy Gardens. This luxury two bedroom self catering holiday cottage sleeps up to four.


Invaliden- parkeerplaats
Huisdier- vriendelijk


Ice House Cottage £390 Per unit per week

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.


Accommodation Special Offer

Guests staying at Ice House Cottage enjoy free unlimited access to Castle Kennedy Gardens as well as free entry to all Family Garden Ranger Events.

Guests also enjoy a 10% discount at the Castle Kennedy Gardens Tearoom and Gift Shop.

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