Tours by Personalised Orkney Tours

I am an accredited STGA (Scottish Tourist Guides Association) Green Badge Guide for Orkney and am qualified and insured to guide in English and French.

I am licensed by Orkney Islands Council as a Private Hire Driver with a Toyota Prius T4 Spirit, able to take up to 4 passengers as a Driver-Guide. If you have your own vehicle, I can then join you as a Step-On Guide, current restrrictions permitting, or lead your vehicle in my own vehicle between sites as a Follow-Me Guide.

I am happy to personalise tours around your requirements. If you would like some ideas for whole day, half day or summer evening tours, please click on the About tab and scroll down to the Details About Personalised Orkney Tours section in the left column of my Facebook page:

Prijs op aanvraag


  • Maandag
  • Dinsdag
  • Woensdag
  • Donderdag
  • Vrijdag
  • Zaterdag
  • Zondag

Januari — December

Contact gegevens

Personalised Orkney Tours

KW17 2JZ

Tour information


  • Orkney




  • Driver guide


  • Bespoke
  • Private


  • English
  • French


  • Ancestry
  • Archaeology
  • History
  • Landscapes
  • Photography
  • Religious Pilgrimage
  • Wildlife


Personalised Orkney Tours

Informatie over toermaatschappij

Personalised Orkney Tours

Jo Jones: an accredited STGA (Scottish Tourist Guides Association) Green Badge Guide for Orkney, both qualified and insured to guide in English and French, with World Host accreditation. I am a Driver Guide, licensed by Orkney Islands Council as a Private Hire Driver with a Toyota Prius T4 Spirit Hybrid, which takes up to 4 passengers. For tour ideas & prices, check the Notes section in the left column of my Facebook page: Personalised Orkney Tours. Message me via the button on the page, or email me on:


Business Hours
Opens 08.30 Closes 20.30
Open From January - December

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