A boy and a girl laughing while holding a detective mystery Treasure Trail

© Treasure Trails

The Inverness Mystery Treasure Trail

The Inverness Mystery Treasure Trail

Turn a regular day out in Inverness into a full-blown adventure! The Inverness Mystery Treasure Trail is a captivating challenge that combines mind-twisting clues and fascinating stories for anyone with a sense of adventure.

What is a Treasure Trail?

It's a real-life adventure that fires up the imagination and gets you exploring the most interesting parts of Inverness.

Who's it for?

This self-guided mystery-themed Trail is perfect for young detectives and adults who never grew up.

The Trail route

As you follow the self-guided Trail route, can you solve the sneaky clues set on existing buildings, permanent features and monuments to eliminate the suspects to discover whodunnit? 

This 2.5-mile Trail starts outside the Visitor Information Centre and uncovers a wealth of interesting buildings to be found around the compact and picturesque city centre. You'll also pass the castle and enjoy the riverside walkways before returning to the start point.

There are sneaky clues hidden around every corner!

How much?

*Here's the best bit*

One Trail booklet can be shared between 4-5 people and costs £9.99 (per booklet not per person) making this a great value way to explore the historical streets of Inverness. Plus, with the Treasure Trails app, you can get instant access to your adventure!

Download your Trail booklet from the Treasure Trails website to get exploring Inverness today.

What's next?

Visit the Treasure Trails website to discover more.

Vanaf £9.99 per persoon


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  • Vrijdag
  • Zaterdag
  • Zondag

Januari — December

Contact gegevens

Scotland Treasure Trails

6 High Cross

Tour information


  • Inverness City Centre




  • Adventure
  • City
  • Family
  • History
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Walking
  • Walking/Hiking

Tour prijzen

Vanaf £9.99 Per Persoon

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Scotland Treasure Trails

Informatie over toermaatschappij

Scotland Treasure Trails

Turn a regular day out into a full-blown adventure! Follow a self-guided TREASURE TRAIL through the winding backstreets and hidden corners of villages, towns and cities across Scotland. We've written over 130 Treasure Trails across Scotland for you to enjoy! So prepare yourself for a captivating challenge that combines mind-twisting clues and fascinating stories for anyone with a sense of adventure.


There are over 130 self-guided Trails across Scotland, and they can be enjoyed on any day of the year and at a time to suit you.

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