Gadda stack

© Kenny Gear


Foula Trip

An 8 hour day trip to the island of Foula

The Foula trip is a total of 4 hours at sea 1.5 each way and 1 hour round the back to see the cliffs, The time ashore on Foula is up to 4 hours so it is a 8 hour day in total. The cost for this trip is £85/person. The passage to and from Foula passes through some of the best whale spotting waters in the UK.

Vanaf £85 per persoon


  • Maandag
  • Dinsdag
  • Woensdag
  • Donderdag
  • Vrijdag
  • Zaterdag
  • Zondag

Januari — December

Contact gegevens

Shetland Sea Adventures

Burra isle
Shetland Isles

Hoofd faciliteiten

  • Huisdieren welkom

Tour information


  • Burra
  • Mainland, Shetland
  • Shetland


1 Day


  • English


  • Adventure
  • Family
  • Geology
  • Island Hopping
  • Landscapes
  • Music
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Photography
  • Walking/Hiking
  • Wildlife

Tour prijzen

Vanaf £85 Per Persoon

Nu boeken

Prijzen zijn afhankelijk van het seizoen

Shetland Sea Adventures

Informatie over toermaatschappij

Shetland Sea Adventures

We run tours to the Island of Foula twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday throughout the summer. We are also available for full half day and evening fishing trips or sightseeing round the isles.


mon to fri 9am to 7pm
sat 9am to 6pm
sun 12pm to 4pm

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