Italian Chapel

© Kirkwall Walking Tours

Lamb Holm, Orkney

Scenic South Isles Tour

This tour takes you along the picturesque chain of islands south of the Orkney Mainland.

These islands are linked by a series of causeways and home to some fascinating vestiges of the Second World War. You travel through Orkney’s farmland and then along the First and Second World War Naval Base of Scapa Flow, where we hear wartime stories that make this one of the best known stretches of water in the world.

The series of causeways called the Churchill Barriers which link these southern islands were originally built from concrete blocks to protect the Naval Base in World War II, following the sinking of HMS Royal Oak in 1939. Now surfaced with a roadway, they provide a link to the islands which were previously only connected by ferry. On Lamb Holm we visit the beautifully hand-painted Italian Chapel. Known as the miracle of Camp 60, this remarkable structure was built by Italian Prisoners during the last World War. The Chapel has been preserved for its historical connection with the Italian soldiers.  

From here we continue south to the island of South Ronaldsay and on to the village of St Margaret's Hope. Local legend tells that the village is named after Margaret, Maid of Norway, who died near here on her way to marry King Edward II of England. Although, she was never a Saint and confusion arose because there was a chapel there dedicated to the real St Margaret, second wife of King Malcolm III Canmore. We stop for a while here to explore the Craft shops or take a stroll through the old street.

Prezzo su richiesta

Giorni di partenza

  • Lunedì
  • Martedì
  • Mercoledì
  • Giovedì
  • Venerdì
  • Sabato
  • Domenica

Gennaio — Dicembre

Tour information


  • Orkney


½ Day


  • English


  • History

Tappe del tour

Kirkwall Walking Tours

Informazioni sulla compagnia

Kirkwall Walking Tours

I offer Kirkwall Walking Tours along with tours of all archaeological sites on the Orkney Mainland, as a ‘step on guide’ in your own, or a third party vehicle. COVID 19 Tours are compliant with current regulations and you may be required to wear a mask at some sites. Please ask when booking.

Orari di apertura

Jan - Dec
7 days a week

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