Join us for our first Scientific meeting for QEPNT, the UK Hub for Quantum Enabled Position, Navigation & Timing (QEPNT)
The Hub brings academia, industry and government together to deliver quantum technologies which will be key for national security, critical national infrastructure and sectors such as aerospace, transport, energy, finance, communications and agriculture.
The QEPNT Scientific meetings will bring the QEPNT community together to hear about what others in the quantum technology landscape are doing as part of deeper scientific discussions. Its also a great opportunity to catch up with colleagues and make new connections.
During our first meeting, you will learn more about the areas of research and technology development the Hub will deliver, with the opportunity to take part in discussions on how your research can help to achieve the ambitions of the QEPNT Hub. The event will feature a discussion on the Hub's commitment to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) and a poster session.
Arrival Tea & Coffee
Welcome Doug Paul, Principal Investigator, QEPNT
Discussion and commitment to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion led by Joe Cotter and Jennifer Hastie
Timing: Talk and Discussion, led by Alessia Pasquazi and Paul Griffin
Lunch, networking and research poster exhibition
Inertial Sensors: Talk and Discussion led by Joe Cotter and Carrie Weidner
Ranging: Talk and Discussion led by Aurora Maccarone and Ross Millar
Coffee break
Demonstrators: Talk and Discussion led by Alex Clark and Jonathan Leach
Closing Remarks and Next Steps Doug Paul and David Cumming
Drinks, Buffet, Networking and Poster session