Old Man of Hoy

© Marry Harris

Hoy, Orkney

The Island of Hoy Private Tour

We will design a tour of this wonderful island with your specific interests in mind, be those nature, scenery, history, coastal walks, wildlife, military history, child focused tours or as most of our guests opt for, a little bit of everything.

Hoy has everything you could imagine there to be, so choose your preferences and we’ll take you there.  There’s plenty to see from unspoiled nature, scenery, wilderness, history, coastal walks, wildlife, military history, child focused tours, challenging hill walks or as most of our guests opt for, a little bit of everything.   We will provide an itinerary for your prior approval so that we can meet your needs and no doubt exceed expectations.

All our guides live on the island so you will so you will get a real feel for what it’s like to live in this remote and beautiful location, and we’ll take you to places that only an islander can know about.  We do like to engage with you beforehand, so we can get a feel of what your expectations are so that we can provide an amazing and memorable experience.

You will be able to choose from:

  • A walk to the Old Man of Hoy (3 hours return trip)
  • A coastal nature walk, which includes geos and gloops (collapsed sea caves)
  • An abundance of wildlife and the famous sea eagles
  • Wilderness and silence
  • The magical Rackwick Bay and cliffs, the highest vertical cliffs in the British Isles
  • WW1 & WW2 military history at the former Royal Navy Base and Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery at Lyness
  • Spectacular views and the history of Scapa Flow
  • The Napoleonic Martello Tower and Battery
  • The Longhope Lifeboat Museum and the operational RNLI Lifeboat and station
  • Dwarfie Stane, thought to be Britain’s only example of a rock-cut tomb
  • Cantick Head Lighthouse
  • Betty Corrigall’s grave
  • And much more……..         

Or simply leave it to us to give you a real taste of the dark enchanted isle……

Prix sur demande

Dates de départ

  • Lundi
  • Mardi
  • Mercredi
  • Jeudi
  • Vendredi
  • Samedi
  • Dimanche

Mars — Octobre


Island Tours of Hoy

Ness House

Tour information

Point de départ

  • Hoy


1 Day


  • Driver guide
  • Minibus
  • Walking

Type de circuit

  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • Adventure
  • Archaeology
  • Geology
  • History
  • Landscapes
  • Photography
  • Walking
  • Walking/Hiking
  • Wildlife

Étapes de l’excursion

Island Tours of Hoy

Information sur le prestataire

Island Tours of Hoy

Hoy, the second largest island in the Orkney archipelago with a population of approximately only 400 residents. Hoy is unique, and very different from the Orkney Mainland and other isles. The vertical cliffs are the highest in the British Isles, there are vast swathes of wilderness, an abundance of wildlife, with a history stretching from the Neolithic era to modern day.

Horaires d'ouverture

March to October

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