Oman family, Biggings Stenness

Orkney Family History Tour

If you know anything about a family connection with Orkney, I can help you find out more. Before you arrive, I will search the local archive and other sources to find out if there are family homes, gravestones or relatives to visit.

The tour would be designed around places connected with your family but could also show you what life was like for your Orcadian ancestors, with a walk through Kirkwall or Stromness, a visit to the Farm Museum or the restored Barony Mill.

There may be relatives to visit, with family photos or family trees. We can visit the district and see the family home, or at least where it once stood, and look at the view they would have seen. The tour might end at the Orkney Archive, where there may be family records or photos. Wherever we go, you will leave Orkney with a clear picture of at least one of the roots of your family tree.

Prix sur demande

Dates de départ

  • Lundi
  • Mardi
  • Mercredi
  • Jeudi
  • Vendredi
  • Samedi
  • Dimanche

Janvier — Décembre


About Orkney

United Kingdom
KW16 3LB

Tour information

Point de départ

  • Kirkwall
  • Orkney
  • Stromness



Type de circuit

  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • Ancestry
  • Family
  • History
About Orkney

Information sur le prestataire

About Orkney

About Me My name is Patricia Long and I live in Stenness, just across the loch from the Ring of Brodgar. My family have been here for so long that some of my ancestors probably helped build it. I grew up on a small farm, in a family well known for its knowledge of Orkney history. Now I use the internet, along with the local archives, to find new stories of Orkney's achievements in the wider world. Orkney is still a thriving and lively community and I look forward to sharing our unique mix of past and present with you.

Horaires d'ouverture

March to November

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