Orkney, the little green Tardis of the North

You are going to find that Orkney is bigger on the inside. Let someone who has known these islands and their history for a very long time help you make the most of every minute.

In a single day, there would be time for Skara Brae, the Ring of Brodgar, St Magnus Cathedral, the Italian Chapel and Scapa Flow and perhaps a little more. A longer tour gives you the chance to find out how much more we have here.

There would be time to visit chambered cairns and Iron Age Brochs, distilleries and watermills, wood-turners and silver smiths. You could walk through little lanes or along towering cliffs and hear stories about how we used to live and how we live now.

My website www.aboutorkney.com is full of stories about Orkney and Orcadians, as well as more details about tours.

Precio bajo petición

Día de salida

  • Lunes
  • Martes
  • Miércoles
  • Jueves
  • Viernes
  • Sábado
  • Domingo

Marzo — Octubre

Datos de contacto

About Orkney

United Kingdom
KW16 3LB

Tour information


  • Kirkwall
  • Orkney
  • Stromness




  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • Ancestry
  • Archaeology
  • Family
  • History
  • Literature

Paradas del viaje

About Orkney

Información sobre la empresa

About Orkney

About Me My name is Patricia Long and I live in Stenness, just across the loch from the Ring of Brodgar. My family have been here for so long that some of my ancestors probably helped build it. I grew up on a small farm, in a family well known for its knowledge of Orkney history. Now I use the internet, along with the local archives, to find new stories of Orkney's achievements in the wider world. Orkney is still a thriving and lively community and I look forward to sharing our unique mix of past and present with you.

Horario de apertura

March to November

Otros tours de esta empresa

Visita:Orkney Family History Tour
Orkney Family History Tour

Orkney Family History Tour

Salida desde: Kirkwall, Stromness, Orkney

If you know anything about a family connection with Orkney, I can help you find...

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