Children experiencing lambs

Bellevue Farm


As a walk and talk tour, you will learn where your food comes from, on an authentic working family farm based on the fertile Isle of Arran. Find out about farming and island life and meet all our amazing animals. Accommodation also available.

A tour at Bellevue Farm gives you the opportunity to see what happens on a traditional working Arran farm. As you are taken for a walking tour through the farmyard you will learn how our jobs change depending on the season and hear about our farming life - every day is different.

We have a herd of beef cows, breeding sheep and malting barley - which is made into Arran Whisky.

We've also got some special friends along the way: our Highland cows, donkeys - Hamish & Murphy, Tabitha, our miniature Shetland pony, pigs, hens, ducks, rabbits - and Benita, Granada and Eriskay, our cuddly alpacas. Visitors can also help with daily chores, see farm machinery and might even get a chance to sit in one of our big tractors!

Tours take approx 1.5 hours and can be tailored to your individual interests so let us know what you would like to know or see.

All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times to make sure everyone is kept safe on our working farm.

Ab £20 pro Erwachsener


  • Montag
  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
  • Freitag
  • Samstag
  • Sonntag

Januar — Dezember


Bellevue Farm Tours

Bellevue Farm
Isle of Arran
North Ayrshire
KA27 8EX


  • Parken
  • Behindertenparkplatz

Tour information


  • Arran
  • Blackwaterfoot




  • Walking


  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • English


  • Adventure
  • Agritourism/Farm
  • Family
  • Food and drink
  • Landscapes
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Walking
  • Whisky
  • Wildlife


Ab £20 Pro Erwachsener £7 Pro Kind

Jetzt buchen

Preise variieren je nach Saison


Bellevue Farm Tours

Informationen zum Anbieter

Bellevue Farm Tours

A great opportunity to see where your food comes from and get hands on experience of family life on a traditional working Arran farm. Every day on the farm is different and this is a great tour for children and adults alike. Visitors are taken for a relaxed walk to see our herd of beef cattle, sheep, hear how our barley is grown for the local distillery and see our tractors and machinery. There's also a few special friends - Hamish & Murphy the donkeys, Tabitha, the minature Shetland pony, highland cows, chicks, rabbits, ducks and hens - and Bonita, Granada, Eriskay the cuddly alpacas.


Opening time is currently by arrangement. Tel: 07740 986803

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