Edinburgh Castle

© Tourist Walks

Edinburgh Castle

Upper Royal Mile Und Schloss

Upper Royal Mile Walk führt Sie vom Edinburgh Castle zur Tron Church, besuchen Sie St. Giles, die Kathedrale von Edinburgh, wir führen Sie zu den Museen und Gassen, die alle faszinierende Geschichten über die Menschen erzählen, die hier gelebt haben.

The Royal Mile is probably the most famous walk in Edinburgh. There is so much in the Royal Mile, and the streets and alleys that come off it, that we had to split it into two walks. The Upper Royal Mile walk takes you to from Edinburgh Castle to the Tron Church, visiting St Giles which is the Cathedral church of Edinburgh and we guide you to the museums and alleys all that have fascinating stories of the people that have lived here over the centuries including a respectable thief, and a man who had an evil walking stick. Get more from your visit and add Tourist Walks to your list of “things to do in Edinburgh”. Happy sightseeing.

Ab £2.49 pro Erwachsener


  • Montag
  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
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  • Samstag
  • Sonntag

Januar — Dezember


Tourist Walks Limited

Tourist Office
Mid Lothian


  • Barrierefreier Zugang

Tour information


  • Edinburgh - City Centre




  • Bespoke


  • Chinese
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish


  • Architecture
  • Castles
  • City
  • History
  • Walking
  • Whisky


Ab £2.49 Pro Erwachsener £2.49 Pro Kind

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Informationen zum Anbieter

Tourist Walks Limited

SELF GUIDED WALKS Tourist Walk application redefines your travel experience with the smartest and most up-to-date audio GPS feature – your own personalized guide to Edinburgh. Tourist Walk shares with you exciting stories about all the places you should visit in Edinburgh and other cities. Once the walk is downloaded there is no internet data connection required. You can stop/start and resume the walks any time you want. Just download the Tourist Walks App fro your app store. Each walk is just £1.79 or buy all the walks for just £4.99.

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