Red deer stag stalking trip - Highland Perthshire

6 day, self-drive, red deer stag stalking trip based in Highland Perthshire staying in a traditional country house hotel. The trip is for 3 adults with 4 days of stalking and a 9 stag total limit. All hunts guided by expert estate deer stalkers

Click here for full itinerary

Services included

Reception on arrival at Edinburgh airport by your designated River & Green representative

6 nights’ accommodation in a 4-star Hotel,        Highland Perthshire

  • 3 double rooms (single occupancy) for 3 adults with breakfast and dinner included

3 days of red deer stag stalking, for 3 hunters hunting as 2 teams; 1 individual hunter accompanied by an estate stalker and 2 hunters hunting as 1 team accompanied by an expert estate deer stalker

  • 6 stag limit

1 day of red deer stag stalking for 3 hunters each accompanied by an expert estate deer stalker

  • 3 stag limit

The services of 2 estate stalkers for 3 days of red deer stag stalking

The services of 3 estate stalkers for 1 day of red deer stag stalking

Use of 2 estate rifles for 3 days of stalking

Use of 3 estate rifles for 1 day of stalking

The “on-call” support of your designated R&G representative for the duration of your time in Scotland

Ab £4900 pro Erwachsener


  • Montag
  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
  • Freitag
  • Samstag
  • Sonntag

Juli — Oktober


River & Green Ltd

8 Links Road
West Lothian
EH51 9AW

Tour information


  • Edinburgh


6 Days


  • Self drive


  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


Ab £4900 Pro Erwachsener

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Preise variieren je nach Saison

River & Green Ltd

Informationen zum Anbieter

River & Green Ltd

River & Green designs and delivers fully customized sporting holidays in Scotland. The company is a leading specialist in Atlantic salmon and trout fishing, deer hunting, wing shooting, golf and leisure. Every itinerary is custom-designed to meet and exceed the individual requirements and aspirations of private and corporate clients from around the world.


365 days per year, 08:00 to17:00

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