Patrick Geddes: The Old Town’s Eco-Hero and Sustainable Development's Pioneer

With the motto, «by leaves, we live», Patrick Geddes sought to transform and rethink the city in a sustainable way. Come to discover Edinburgh through the eyes of this avant-gardist philanthropist. Private tour 1 to 7 people: £210

Father of sustainable urban planning and Scottish botanist, Patrick Geddes dedicated his life to the preservation of Edinburgh’s Old Town in the 19th century. In its time, the medieval city was only unsanitary buildings and alleys. As a true pioneer, he saved several monuments from destruction and sought to make this dilapidated «Old Town» a pleasant place to live with hidden gardens and spaces dedicated to the community.

Ab £14 pro Erwachsener


  • Montag
  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
  • Freitag
  • Samstag
  • Sonntag

Januar — Dezember


Tours & Détours d'Edimbourg


Tour information




  • Walking


  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • French


  • Architecture
  • City
  • History
  • Walking


Ab £14 Pro Erwachsener £14 Pro Kind £14 Ermäßigung

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Tours & Détours d'Edimbourg

Informationen zum Anbieter

Tours & Détours d'Edimbourg

Tours et Détours d'Edimbourg offers a variety of public and private guided walking tours of Edinburgh in French. Nous proposons un choix varié de visites guidées à Edimbourg en français


All year round / Toute l'année
Public tours at fixed times, see our website for detailed dates/ Visites publiques à horaires fixes, voir notre site pour le détail.

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