Oban Sea Tours vessel - MV Islander

Oban Sea Tours

Oban Sea Tours provide daily boat trips departing from the seaside town of Oban. Our tour explores the Firth of Lorn with its abundant wildlife, historic castles and stunning scenery.

Oban Sea Tours provide daily tours from the seaside town of Oban. On our tour we hope to see a variety of wildlife including seals, porpoise, sea eagles, sea birds and occasionally otters and dolphins. In addition to wildlife there is the stunning scenery to experience on one of our tours, including great views of three castles, all from the comfort of our boat.

Ab £35 pro Erwachsener


  • Montag
  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
  • Freitag
  • Samstag
  • Sonntag

April — Oktober


Oban Sea Tours

PA34 5PZ


  • Haustiere willkommen

Tour information


  • Oban




  • Boat


  • Large Group (31+)
  • Medium Group (17-30)
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • Adventure
  • Castles
  • Family
  • Geology
  • History
  • Landscapes
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Photography
  • Wildlife


Ab £35 Pro Erwachsener £15 Pro Kind

Jetzt buchen

Preise variieren je nach Saison


Oban Sea Tours

Informationen zum Anbieter

Oban Sea Tours

Oban Sea Tours provide daily tours from the seaside town of Oban. On our tour we hope to see a variety of wildlife including seals, porpoise, sea eagles, sea birds and occasionally otters and dolphins. In addition to wildlife there is the stunning scenery to experience on one of our tours, including great views of three castles, all from the comfort of our boat. Our 2 hour tour departs daily at 1000, 1230 and 1500.



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