Royal Scottish Academy and National Gallery of Scotland
© Fraser Paterson
The Mound, Edinburgh
New Town - The Great Inventors
Experience the wealth of the New Town and it’s glorious architecture. Learn how Princes Street Gardens began and hear the story of an orphaned bear. Learn which Edinburgh New Town citizens gave us innovations that provide us so much comfort today.
Experience the wealth of the New Town and it’s glorious architecture.
Learn how Princes Street Gardens began and hear the story of an orphaned bear. Learn which Edinburgh New Town citizens gave us innovations that provide us so much convenience and comfort today.
I have a large number of five star reviews in respect of freelance tours I have taken for other companies. Please enquire for further information.
All enquiries welcome. Please call me on +44 7950 003 885 or e mail me; fraser@edinburghtoursandhistory.com
Preis auf Anfrage
- Montag
- Dienstag
- Mittwoch
- Donnerstag
- Freitag
- Samstag
- Sonntag
Januar — Dezember
8/2 Portland Gardens
Tour information

Informationen zum Anbieter
Edinburgh Tours and History
Hello! My name is Fraser Paterson. I work on a freelance basis as an experienced professional tour guide and writer. I offer private walking tours. Choose whatever you wish from the following areas of Edinburgh in which I have expert knowledge. The world famous Greyfriars cemetery, Old Town, Great Inventors of Edinburgh fame, Edinburgh Castle and even a Ghosts and Horrors tour! Tours are by pre-booking and payment only.
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