Inlets and Islands of Wild Argyll cruise

The aim of the Inlets and Islands of Wild Argyll cruise is to ‘travel roads less taken’, calling in at the less accessible, peaceful places away from the tourist trail. Anchorages are chosen for their tranquillity, beauty and natural environment. Gu

Day 1

Join Splendour at 1600 for an evening cruise to the head of Loch Striven, a steep-sided fiord with a delightful basin at its head which makes a perfect overnight anchorage

Day 2

Walk up Glen Striven after breakfast, a bucolic delight. Return to the boat for a cruise down Loch Striven and up the famous Kyles of Bute for lunch in Loch Riddon. Go Ashore by tender to walk part of the Cowal Way from upper Caladh to the picturesque village of Tighnabruaich. You pass through ancient Oak and birch woodland just above the shore with stunning views of the Kyles and Bute beyond. Overnight in hauntingly beautiful St Ninian’s Bay or the exposed Ascog Bay if the weather is settled.

Day 3

Pass inside ‘the skate’ island for Loch Fyne and secluded Glenan Bay. After ‘elevenses’ go ashore for a stroll through the ancient Atlantic oak woodlands for a visit to the heart wrenching abandoned village of Glenan where even the hardest soul can imagine the laughter of children at play. Return to Splendour for a welcome lunch and onward up Loch Fyne for a beach walk with a difference, along the otter spit followed by a pre-dinner drink at the ‘Oystercatcher’. Dinner and overnight at Otter Ferry or tranquil Loch Gair.

Day 4

Cruise down Loch Fyne stopping briefly at the fishing village of Tarbert for the chef to pick up live seafood for tonight’s dinner. Continue south to Loch Ranza on the fabulous island of Arran for lunch and a walk along part of the Coastal Way or up one of the hill tracks. Back aboard for nibbles at 1900 followed by a wonderful seafood dinner and a well-earned rest.

Day 5

We cruise down the mountainous east coast of Arran, with awe-inspiring views of rugged Glen Sannox and the neighbouring islands of Bute and the Cumbraes, to Lamlash Bay for lunch. Holy Isle now beckons with fantastic hill and shore walks. Holy Isle belongs to Samye Ling Buddhists and is a serene and beautiful place to visit. The Buddhist Monks share their retreat with feral ponies, goats, sheep and many species of sea birds.

Day 6

After breakfast, we set a course for Kilchattan Bay on the island of Bute to walk a wonderful seven-mile circuit of the ‘West Island Way’ renowned as the best walk, on Bute. Your chef will prepare a packed lunch for this walk as it is one to savour. Returning to Splendour we set sail for Millport on the Isle of Great Cumbrae for a cycle round its 10-mile shore road for those with the energy left. For others, there is an unspoilt Italian café offering delicious homemade ice-cream.

Day 7

During breakfast, we cruise north up the world-renowned Firth of Clyde to our final destination of the Holy Loch Marina and to disembark at 1100 with fond farewells.

Ab £2225 pro Erwachsener


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  • Donnerstag
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  • Samstag
  • Sonntag

April — Oktober


Argyll Cruising

PA21 2EB

Tour information


  • Dunoon


6 Days


  • Boat


  • English


  • History
  • Walking
  • Whisky
  • Wildlife


Ab £2225 Pro Erwachsener

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Argyll Cruising

Informationen zum Anbieter

Argyll Cruising

Argyll Cruising offers ten unique Scottish Cruises, visiting the inlets and islands of Argyll, Arran and the Hebrides, including Mull, Islay, Jura and Skye and the Small Isles. The spectacular cruises run from three to thirteen nights, amongst the beautiful islands and stunning sea lochs of Argyll. With a maximum of 8 guests on board, these are highly personalised cruising experiences within an idyllic maritime setting.

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