Glass Bottomed Boat Gairloch

© Glass Bottomed Boat


Glass Bottomed Boat Gairloch

A gentle tour around Loch Gairloch looking at wildlife above, in and under the sea! Leaves from Gairloch Pier at 10, 12 2 and 4 every day from April to October

A lovely safe gentle and fascinating tour on Loch Gairloch, taking in 2 or 3 islands and looking at the wildlife in the Highlands. Birds, seals, starfish, crabs, urchins and more in these pristine waters.

Ideal for all ages, the tour lasts around 90 minutes and leaves daily at 10, 12, 2 and 4. Other times by arrangement. We look forward to seeing you on board Alice the Glass Bottomed Boat!

Ab £20 pro Erwachsener


  • Montag
  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
  • Freitag
  • Samstag
  • Sonntag

April — Oktober


Glass Bottomed Boat Gairloch

Grey Booking Office
Pier Road
IV21 2BQ


  • Parken
  • Kostenloses Wlan
  • Haustiere willkommen
  • Behindertenparkplatz

Tour information


  • Gairloch




  • Boat


Ab £20 Pro Erwachsener £10 Pro Kind

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Preise variieren je nach Saison

Glass Bottomed Boat Gairloch

Informationen zum Anbieter

Glass Bottomed Boat Gairloch

Unique tours on Loch Gairloch looking at wildlife on land, in the sea and in the air. A gentle 90 minute trip leaving from Gairloch Pier daily at 10, 12, 2 and 4 visiting 2 or 3 islands with sightings of starfish, anemones, urchins, crabs and more on every trip. Suits all ages (and the kids can have a shot at steering!)


7 days a week from April to October with trips at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00.

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