There are 13 designations across Scotland. We've broken them down into six separate journeys by location so you can enjoy a longer break in one location. If you've got more time, why not pick two to combine on one break?


Time: Choose from 4-day to 8-day trips

Choose a part of the trail to explore and experience a different area of Scotland. To make things easy for you, we’ve pulled together six different journeys covering each part of the country, and you can easily create a trip which combines any number of them.

You could start in the south of Scotland, and then explore Edinburgh and Dundee, or why not head north to the biosphere and geopark of the north west Highlands? If you’ve got time you could sail over to Orkney, Shetland or the Outer Hebrides. Or take your time slowly exploring Glasgow and nearby New Lanark and the Antonine Wall sites.

Each of our journeys provides travel information with tips on how to get to the area, making it simple for you to start planning your own unique journey, as well as prioritising the most sustainable travel options available. We’ve also highlighted things to do, places to stay, food and drink, local tips and ways to travel around.

The Northlink Ferry sails past the Old Man of Hoy and the cliffs
Cuween Chambered Cairn made of stones, sits on the top of Cuween Hill as the light fades against the water

UNESCO Sites to Explore in Scotland's Northern Isles

Explore the two UNESCO sites in Scotland's northern isles. Shetland is a recognised Global Geopark, while Orkney is home to the World Heritage Site of Heart of Neolithic Orkney.

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Explore the UNESCO Site in the Outer Hebrides

Head over to the Outer Hebrides to learn more about St Kilda, a dual UNESCO World Heritage Site. It's a very special and hard to access place, but there's plenty you can learn while on the larger Hebridean islands.

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A woman carrying a walking stick with a backpack looks out over a loch and trees to some hills, from a rocky ledge

UNESCO Sites to Explore in North Scotland

Check out the beautiful UNESCO sites of North Scotland - the Wester Ross Biosphere and the North West Highlands Geopark.

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Explore South Scotland's UNESCO Site

Travel easily to the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere. Why not begin your trip at one of the biosphere communities where you’ll be given a warm welcome and information to help you explore?

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UNESCO Sites to Explore in Central West Scotland

In central west Scotland you have three UNESCO sites to discover - the Antonine Wall, New Lanark and Glasgow, City of Music.

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The buildings around the cobbled Royal Mile, lit up in red and blue colours at night

UNESCO Sites to Explore in Central East Scotland

There are four UNESCO sites to explore in this central east spot. Explore Edinburgh with two designations and then travel across and stop to learn more about the Forth Bridge. Your final stop is Dundee, our City of Design.

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