Wildlife Tours

Our tours are for a full day out on the Isle of Skye. Visiting different landscapes we watch and learn from Andy McLean as he shows us what can be found in the area.

If you have ever wanted to see a Golden Eagle cruising a mountain ridge or an Otter hunting the shoreline, then you have an excellent chance of making your dream come true on one of our day tours around the dramatic Isle of Skye.

The Isle of Skye is truly one of Scotland’s best wildlife locations for the birdwatcher and wildlife enthusiast. And you never know, on your trip you might get one of those truly amazing moments that we’ve had out: 

A Golden Eagle swooping just metres overhead, two pairs of White-Tailed Sea Eagles having a territorial dispute, a female Otter teaching it’s cubs to hunt, or even watching an Otter hunting the along the coast while a Golden Eagle cruises along the hillside behind . . . . which way to turn!

Vanaf £54 per persoon


  • Maandag
  • Dinsdag
  • Woensdag
  • Donderdag
  • Vrijdag
  • Zaterdag
  • Zondag

Januari — December

Contact gegevens

Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours

IV51 9LP

Tour information


  • Portree


1 Day


  • Minibus


  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)

Tour prijzen

Vanaf £54 Per Persoon £25 Per kind

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Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours

If you have ever wanted to see a Golden Eagle cruising a mountain ridge or an Otter hunting the shoreline, then you have an excellent chance of making your dream come true on one of our day tours around the dramatic Isle of Skye. The Isle of Skye is truly one of Scotland’s best wildlife locations for the birdwatcher and wildlife enthusiast.


9.45 am to 5 pm
Open all year round

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