Churchill Barriers

© Jean Ross

Churchill Barrier no 3

Scapa Flow Experience with Great Orkney Tours

Start at Ness Battery then take a drive from Stromness all the way round the North, East and South of Scapa Flow.

I will tell you about our famous Orkney Explorer, scuttling of the German High Seas Fleet, sinking of HMS Royal Oak as we view scenic land and seascapes. Cross the Churchill Barriers taking a stop at the Italian Chapel. Finishing at Hoxa Head.

Prijs op aanvraag


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  • Zondag

Januari — December

Contact gegevens

Great Orkney Tours

Bonnie Brae
KW17 2QS

Tour information


  • Orkney




  • Minibus


  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • History
  • Landscapes
  • Wildlife


Great Orkney Tours

Informatie over toermaatschappij

Great Orkney Tours

Let me give you a great day out in Orkney, with over 10 years experience as a qualified Green Badge tour guide. We have so much to offer on our Islands with our history stretching back 9,000 years, book a tour with Great Orkney Tours and you'll not be disappointed.


Open all year, tours available every day, Mon - Sun.

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