
© WanderWomen


WanderWomen Experience

Enjoy the outdoors, swim in the sea, forestbathing and connect with like-hearted women!

Join in with a WanderWomen Adventure to embrace the elements, make a beach bonfire and ignite your inner fire by dipping in the sea, enjoy some meditation, reflect on life, share food and drink with like-hearted women, re-balance yourself and find peace in the wilderness!

What to expect:

Mindful, gentle walking



Silent Reflection


Movement Medicine

Sea Swimming (optional)

Nature Art

Connect with like-minded women, step back from the everyday busy-ness of life and relax in nature.

You will be supplied with:

insulated seat mats, snacks, hot drinks and a snack.

You will leave feeling refreshed, invigorated, inspired and happy to be alive, smelling of fire and freedom!

Limited numbers of tickets available, to keep the group small, dynamic and supportive.

If you would like to find out more ahead of booking, or have any concerns, please email

Please let me know of any food allergies and potential health issues and conditions, access needs, etc.

This event will run with min 4 women participants.

A Whatsapp Group will be created, in order to e-meet each other beforehand, in order to arrange shared lifts and transport, share photos, and to keep in touch!

Find WanderWomen Scotland on Facebook, Instagram and join the mailing list via


What can I bring to the event?

Please bring your walking boots, water proofs, bottled water, a small snack, and plenty of warm layers (and swim stuff, if you are keen to give sea swimming a go), as well as a journal to take notes. Please also bring a mug for tea (provided).

How can I contact the organiser with any questions?

email Anna at or call 07816188615

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

No. Simply show us your e-ticket on your phone!

Are there any requirements for the event?

Please make sure your fitness levels are suitable for this experience.

What happens in the event of bad weather?

This trip will go ahead in most weathers. If the weather forecast is severe the day before, the event host will reserve the right to cancel. In that case credits towards future events are given.

No Refund


By booking for this trip you agree to the following:

WanderWomen: Terms and Conditions

Everyone taking part in this WanderWomen activity does so at their own risk.

This adventure might present some physical and mental challenges, and carries with it the potential for death, serious injury and property loss. The risks include: actions by other people, slipping on wet surface and falling (injury), burns, hypothermia, lack of hydration, weather, and/or other natural conditions.

The event host assumes no responsibility for anyone attending this event. The event host will not be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss occurring as a result of any event or in connection with travel to such event, however caused.

When you join a WanderWomen event, you indicate that you accept these conditions and accept that no legal liability is accepted by the event host in the event of accident or injury, however caused.

Participants in WanderWomen events are reminded that outdoor activities need specialist equipment (boots, waterproofs, etc) and WanderWomen does not provide these. Participants are responsible for assessing their own risk, the safety of themselves and the suitability of any equipment used.

While accepting no responsibility or liability, for outdoor events, the event host may, at their discretion, not admit you to join the walk or other event if in their opinion you are ill-equipped for the terrain and weather conditions.

I herewith accept that the event will go ahead in all weathers, however, in extreme weather situations the route and length of the event might be altered, as assumed suitable by the event organiser.

I understand that at this event or related activities I may be photographed. I agree to allow my photo, video, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the event holders.

I hereby consent to receive medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during this event.

I certify that I am physically fit and have not been advised not to take part by a medical professional.

I acknowledge that this Release of Liability form will be used by WanderWomen Scotland Ltd and it will govern my actions and responsibilities during activities.

I have read this document and I understand its content.

Please email stating you understand the Terms and Conditions, please also let me know the following details: Full name, DOB, phone number, Emergency contact and phone number. Thank you!

I consent to this data and records being kept for 3 years.

À partir de £25 par adulte

Dates de départ

  • Lundi
  • Mardi
  • Mercredi
  • Jeudi
  • Vendredi
  • Samedi
  • Dimanche

Janvier — Décembre


WanderWomen Scotland Ltd

293 Milton Road East
EH15 2LA


  • Parking

Tour information

Point de départ

  • Edinburgh
  • Gullane
  • North Berwick


½ Day


  • Walking

Type de circuit

  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • English
  • German


  • Adventure
  • Landscapes
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Walking


À partir de £25 Par adulte

Réserver maintenant

Les prix peuvent varier selon la saison

Étapes de l’excursion

WanderWomen Scotland Ltd

Information sur le prestataire

WanderWomen Scotland Ltd

WanderWomen offers outstanding outdoor events for women in a unique mix of mindfulness and adventure, in and around Edinburgh, East Lothian, The Scottish Borders, Pentlands and Fife.

Horaires d'ouverture

always open

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