Pinnacle Ridge

© Stephen McCall

Cuillin Ridge

Skye Classic Scrambling

Skye touches anyone's heart that has spent any time here, with its alpine style ridges, sharp pinnacles, exposure and committing days out it provides a majestic natural playground for climbing and scrambling.

Course Outline

Due to the variety of weather conditions encountered in Scotland this course is run with a conditions based approach, meaning that your instructor/guide will use the best of conditions to maximise safety, your learning and overall experience throughout your course. Below is a sample itinerary.


Day 1 Pinnacle Ridge

Starting off at the Sligachan Hotel, we head off up the track towards the ridge, taking in the views of The Northern Culllin, what a great sight for anyone! We then get roped up at the start of the ridge and start working our way up through the pinnacles until we ab off the third pinnacle which proves to be exciting! Along and up through the knight's peak and on towards Gillian with the hopefulness of a view!

Day 2  Dubhs Ridge

We start off today by getting a boat over from Elgol, heading over Loch Scavaig towards Loch Coruisk with Dubhs Ridge clearly in the foreground.

30min walk to the base and we get kitted up and start the marathon of the longest 'rock climb' in the UK. with its smooth, easy angled slabs it provides a very memorable day all the way to the summit of the Dubhs.


Day 3  Clach Glas Bla Bheinn traverse

The Scottish Matterhorn is on the cards today! We get packed and head up towards Sgurr nan each where we get our first view of the traverse, at first it looks way too steep for anything we want to scramble through! But with careful route finding, we get a devious lineup Clach Glas and onto the shoulder of Bla Bheinn. Time for a very well and truly earned drink at the pub!

À partir de £340 par adulte

Dates de départ

  • Lundi
  • Mardi
  • Mercredi
  • Jeudi
  • Vendredi
  • Samedi
  • Dimanche

Mai — Septembre


Scottish Rock & Water

3 Clune View
Church Street

Tour information

Point de départ

  • Cuillins & central Skye


3 Days

Type de circuit

  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • Adventure
  • Outdoor Activities


À partir de £340 Par adulte

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Les prix peuvent varier selon la saison

Étapes de l’excursion

Scottish Rock & Water

Information sur le prestataire

Scottish Rock & Water

Scottish Rock & Water provide world class experiences throughout Scotland from every vantage point, land, water and winter. We believe that this gives you a great range of options to truly experience Scotland at its best, whether that be multi-day walks with accommodation or wild camping under the clear night skies in the heart of the mountains. Your Scottish adventure awaits!

Horaires d'ouverture

We are open all year round for summer and winter activities.

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