Astronomy nights

Learn about the starts and the constellations with a complimentary hot drink.

I will pick you up at a prearranged location in Pitlochry and we will drive above Pitlochry to get away from all the lights this is less than a 10 minute drive.

Once we get there I will make you all a complimentary hot drink Tea/Coffee/hot chocolate and then you will learn about the galaxy, stars and the stories about the constellations.

After I will drive you back to Pitlochry.

À partir de £10 par adulte

Dates de départ

  • Lundi
  • Mardi
  • Mercredi
  • Jeudi
  • Vendredi
  • Samedi
  • Dimanche

Novembre — Mars


Tistel Wildlife Guiding

Tomcroy Terrace
PH16 5JA

Tour information

Point de départ

  • Pitlochry




  • Driver guide

Type de circuit

  • Private


  • English


À partir de £10 Par adulte £5 Par enfant

Les prix peuvent varier selon la saison

Tistel Wildlife Guiding

Information sur le prestataire

Tistel Wildlife Guiding

I do wildlife tours around Pitlochry looking at deer species such as Red and Roe as well as a variety of bird species such as Buzzards and Great spotted woodpecker. Astronomy nights with complimentary hot drinks. Bat tour in the woods using a bat detector and also looking for other night creatures I also do week long camping safaris in the Cairngorms looking for Red and Roe deer, Otters, Red squirrels and Golden eagles just to name a few. On this tour you will be staying in a large tipi style tent and sleeping on comfy camping beds with food made on a wood burning stove.

Horaires d'ouverture

I don't have set opening times and work around my clients and times change depending on what tours my clients are doing

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