Thomas Riddells Grave

© Tourist Walks

Greyfriars Churchyard

Paseo De Harry Potter

Se puede decir que Edimburgo es el hogar natural de la serie de Harry Potter. Su arquitectura, los cafés e incluso algunas de sus tumbas dieron a J.K. Rowling, inspiración y un hogar, mientras se escribían los libros.

It can be said that Edinburgh is the natural home of the Harry Potter series. Its architecture, Café’s and even some of its graves gave J.K. Rowling inspiration, and a home, whilst the books were being written. This walk takes you around those places special to the author and that contributed to one of the greatest fictional series the world has ever known. We hope you enjoy your journey of discovery.

Desde £1.79 por adulto

Día de salida

  • Lunes
  • Martes
  • Miércoles
  • Jueves
  • Viernes
  • Sábado
  • Domingo

Enero — Diciembre

Datos de contacto

Tourist Walks Limited

Tourist Office
Mid Lothian

Tour information




  • Walking


  • Bespoke


  • Chinese
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish


Desde £1.79 Por adulto £1.79 Por niño

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Precios pueden variar según la temporada

Información sobre la empresa

Tourist Walks Limited

SELF GUIDED WALKS Tourist Walk application redefines your travel experience with the smartest and most up-to-date audio GPS feature – your own personalized guide to Edinburgh. Tourist Walk shares with you exciting stories about all the places you should visit in Edinburgh and other cities. Once the walk is downloaded there is no internet data connection required. You can stop/start and resume the walks any time you want. Just download the Tourist Walks App fro your app store. Each walk is just £1.79 or buy all the walks for just £4.99.

Horario de apertura

24 hours

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