Battle of Prestonpans

A 2hr tour of the battlefield and other sites connected to the Battle of Prestonpans

In 1745 the Jacobite army won their first, and arguably only, major battle of the "45". It was a masterstroke in military tactics that saw a ragtag group of crofters and farmers defeat the might of the British army and enabled them to push on further south into England and get to within a hairs breadth of toppling the crown and Government. It is a battle that has gone down in folklore ever since.

This tour lasts aprox 2 hours and not only takes in the battlefield itself but also other associated sites and routes the the Jacobite army took the morning of the battle. pick up from Edinburgh is available or collection from local train station.

Call or message on 07597000823

Información coronavirus

Safe Travels

Esta empresa ha confirmado que ha implementado y garantizará el cumplimiento continuo de los protocolos de seguridad del Consejo Mundial de Viajes y Turismo (WTTC). El sello internacional "Safe Travels" se basa en la autoevaluación y no es una certificación.

Desde £30 por adulto

Día de salida

  • Lunes
  • Martes
  • Miércoles
  • Jueves
  • Viernes
  • Sábado
  • Domingo

Enero — Diciembre

Datos de contacto

Discover East Lothian

Ar Comraich Bheag
33 Annfield court
East Lothian
EH33 1PN

Tour information


  • East Lothian
  • Edinburgh
  • Tranent




  • Driver guide
  • Walking


  • Private


  • English


  • Ancestry
  • Archaeology
  • History
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Walking


Desde £30 Por adulto £10 Por niño

Precios pueden variar según la temporada

Discover East Lothian

Información sobre la empresa

Discover East Lothian

Small tour operator providing custom tours around the hidden gem of East Lothian. -These tours include pick up drop off service and is 100% catered to each clients requests. Currently the only tour operator in East Lothian.

Horario de apertura

Mon-Sun 0900-2200

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