Scottish Highlands

5-day Adventure Tour - The Bonnie Camper

Our 5-day adventure tour of the Scottish Highlands offers guests the opportunity to experience Scotland at its full potential on The Bonnie Camper. Stay on a converted American school bus in a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

5-Day Adventure Tour

A truly unique experience to discover the Scottish Highlands while traveling around and staying on a converted American school bus - The Bonnie Camper

Our 5-day trip includes everything you'll need for the ultimate road trip adventure. Private bookings are available for groups of 4-7 people.

Route - Edinubrgh - Aviemore - Glencoe - Edinburgh

Activities - Cycling, Kayaking + Hiking

Includes: Accommodation, Food + Activities

Price - £495 per person

Desde £495 por adulto

Día de salida

  • Lunes
  • Martes
  • Miércoles
  • Jueves
  • Viernes
  • Sábado
  • Domingo

Abril — Octubre

Datos de contacto

The Bonnie Camper


Tour information


  • Edinburgh


5 Days


  • Driver guide


  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)


  • English


  • Adventure
  • Canoeing/Kayaking
  • Cycling
  • Landscapes
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Walking/Hiking
  • Wildlife


Desde £495 Por adulto

Reservar ahora

Precios pueden variar según la temporada

Paradas del viaje

The Bonnie Camper

Información sobre la empresa

The Bonnie Camper

The Bonnie Camper is Scotland's first-ever adventure hostel on wheels! We offer guests the opportunity to explore the Scottish Highlands in our converted American school bus while partaking in a range of outdoor activities. We offer multi-day tours for groups of 4-7 people with everything included. A truly unique experience that will leave you falling in love with Scotland!

Horario de apertura

Our 5-day adventure tours run Monday-Friday throughout Summer

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