Trail running in Torridon

© Trail Running Scotland


Torridon Explorer Weekend

Two days of guided Trail Running in the stunning Glen Torridon.

Arriving in Glen Torridon for the first time is an unforgettable experience. As you round the bend at the head of the glen you are struck by the sight of Liathach rising over a kilometre in height above the sea with it’s steep rocky flanks and jagged summit ridges. These mountains look more like what you would expect to find in the Rockies or Alps than Scotland. At first the idea of running in this terrain seems foolish, but what you soon discover is the incredible network of trails that span the high mountains like a web, weaving around the high ground and linking together the cols and glens in a network that is crying out to be explored. The rocky nature of the ground means that for the most part, these narrow single track trails give a perfect running surface and in places include large areas of exposed sandstone slabs.

Join us for two days of guided trail running in this incredible landscape

This range of trails mean that we can adapt our itinerary to suit the group and weather conditions, so no two Torridon Explorer courses will ever be the same. Get in touch for more information

An optional accommodation package is available for the weekend.

Ab £105 pro Erwachsener


  • Montag
  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
  • Freitag
  • Samstag
  • Sonntag

September — September


Trail Running Scotland

2 lockhart Place
PH22 1SW

Tour information


  • Torridon


2 Days


  • Small Group (1-16)


  • Adventure
  • Landscapes
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Running


Ab £105 Pro Erwachsener

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Preise variieren je nach Saison

Trail Running Scotland

Informationen zum Anbieter

Trail Running Scotland

We provide guided trail and mountain running experiences across Scotland. Get away from the crowds and experience the wild and remote landscapes that Scotland is famous for. We have a number of varied events throughout the year including fully inclusive packages. We can also arrange bespoke days or longer tours on request.


On demand year round.

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