Lerwick's waterfront

© Laurie Goodlad

Lerwick Walking Tour

Take a walk through Lerwick and explore the old part of the town which is reputed to have been built by smugglers. Find out about the town today and its colourful history. Hear about the Dutch connection and see where the fictional Jimmy Perez lives

Lerwick is the capital of Shetland, and the only town in the islands. It takes its name from the Old Norse for 'muddy bay'. With a population of about 7,500 it is a bustling and attractive town. Lerwick only became the capital of Shetland in 1838, prior to this Scalloway, six miles to the west was the administrative capital.

Lerwick grew with the arrival of Dutch fishermen during the 1600s. Their arrival every June meant that locals flocked to Bressay Sound to trade with these foreign visitors. Lerwick continued to grow and with the second herring boom in the 19th century, the town eventually overtook Scalloway in size and influence.

Ab £20 pro Erwachsener


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Mai — September


Shetland with Laurie

45 Burgh Road

Tour information


  • Lerwick




  • Walking


Ab £20 Pro Erwachsener

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Shetland with Laurie

Informationen zum Anbieter

Shetland with Laurie

Tour Guide operating in Shetland, offering sightseeing tours and walking tours throughout the islands. Blog: https://www.shetlandwithlaurie.com/podcast#/ Podcast: https://www.shetlandwithlaurie.com/podcast#/


By appointment, please email for availability.

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