Anchor Domestic Thread Finishing Mill and the Saucel Grain Mill

© Stephen Clancy, Urban Historian

Mill Street, Paisley

Bespoke Heritage Walks in Paisley & Renfrewshire

Designed to suit you, our bespoke Heritage Walks in Renfrewshire will give you a glimpse into the varied and amazing history of the County. Come and explore the well known medieval Abbey and small thread mills and weavers cottage that still survive

Were you ancestors from paisley? Did they work in the textile industry? Heavy Engineering or Shipyards on the White Cart Water? Where did they live, work and worship? Our bespoke heritage walks can cover any aspect of your families history, and can even accomodate a visit to the Paisley Heritage Centre where you may be able to find out more about you ancestors.

Please contact us for further inforamtion. We can be contacted via Whatsapp on the contact number given below.

Preis auf Anfrage


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  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
  • Freitag
  • Samstag
  • Sonntag

Januar — Dezember


The Urban Historian


Tour information




  • Walking


  • Bespoke
  • Private
  • Small Group (1-16)
The Urban Historian

Informationen zum Anbieter

The Urban Historian

The Urban Historian provides heritage walking tours in the old County of Renfrew, and is based in Paisley. Topical heritage walks are programmed on a regular basis, and can range from Paisley's amazing textile heritage covering the weaving to linen, silk and cotton thread production. Other walks focus on churches, graveyards and industry. We are Good to Go Certified for our heritage walks with our guidelines now available on our website. The Urban Historian also has a program of Online history cafes and lectures and genealogical sessions.


Please check the website for details of all heritage walking tours as times and meeting locations are subject to change.

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