Verfügbarkeitssuche für Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre

Rosie Black
2 Wildlife Experience

Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre

Nature Centres & Reserves

Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre is a great place for family adventures. Try your hand at pond dipping, minibeast hunting, den building or a whole host of other free activities. Open all year and run by the Scottish Wildlife Trust.



Jupiter is located just off Wood Street in Grangemouth.

From the M9, take junction 5 if coming from Edinburgh or junction 6 from Stirling. Follow the brown VisitScotland signs that start once you're off the motorway. From either direction, they'll lead you to Beancross Road. From here, turn on to Newlands Road then left on to Newhouse Road. At the mini round about, take the first exit on to Wood Street then look out for the entrance to Jupiter on your right.

Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Wegbeschreibung

The closest train stations to Jupiter are Falkirk Grahamston and Falkirk High. From here, the 3, 4 and 4A bus services regularly head to Grangemouth. The nearest bus stop to Jupiter is on Beancross Road, just opposite Newlands garage. This is approximately a 10 minute walk from Jupiter.


Barrierefreier Park- oder Halteplatz
Haustiere willkommen

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